2/14/25: Speaking Life Through the Spirit
In this powerful message, we're reminded of the incredible impact our words have on our lives and the world around us. Drawing from Proverbs and the teachings of Jesus, we're challenged to consider how the state of our hearts directly influences the words we speak. Just as God spoke creation into existence, our words have the power to create or destroy. We're called to examine ourselves, recognizing that every idle word will be accounted for on judgment day. This sobering truth invites us to cultivate a heart of wisdom, fear of the Lord, and self-control. By detoxing our tongues through repentance and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can align our speech with God's heart, bringing life, health, and unity to ourselves and others. As we journey in faith, let's embrace the transformative power of our words, using them to build up, encourage, and reflect the love of Christ.